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Treatment Options Available for Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a serious eye condition characterized by increased intraocular pressure, which can damage the optic nerve, potentially leading to vision loss. Early detection and treatment are crucial to managing glaucoma effectively and preserving your vision. At InVision Eye Care in Lakewood, NJ, we offer a range of advanced treatment options tailored to meet the needs of our patients from Ocean County, Monmouth County, and across New Jersey.


The first line of defense against glaucoma typically involves the use of prescription eyedrops. These medications help reduce intraocular pressure either by decreasing the amount of fluid the eye produces or by improving its flow out of the eye. Adhering to a prescribed eyedrop regimen is essential for controlling pressure levels and preventing further damage to the optic nerve.

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT)

For patients who cannot achieve the desired pressure control with eyedrops alone, selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) offers a non-invasive alternative. SLT targets the eye's drainage system, improving the outflow of fluid and effectively lowering eye pressure. This procedure is quick, generally painless, and can be performed right in our office.

YAG Laser Iridotomy

YAG laser iridotomy is another laser treatment we provide, primarily used for angle-closure glaucoma. This procedure involves creating a small hole in the iris, helping fluid to flow more freely and prevent sudden pressure increases. It's particularly effective in preventing the progression of acute angle-closure glaucoma, a condition that can quickly impair vision.

Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)

For patients needing surgical intervention, MIGS offers a safer and less invasive option compared to traditional glaucoma surgery. At InVision Eye Care, we specialize in the use of iStent and XEN implants, which help reduce intraocular pressure by enhancing the eye’s natural drainage pathways. These procedures involve minimal downtime and can be combined with cataract surgery for maximum effect.

Comprehensive Glaucoma Care in New Jersey

At InVision Eye Care, we are committed to providing our patients with the most effective glaucoma treatments available. Our state-of-the-art facility in Lakewood is equipped with the latest in eye care technology, and our team of specialists is here to guide you through every step of your treatment plan.

If you are seeking expert care for glaucoma, look no further than InVision Eye Care. Contact us today at 732-210-0140 to learn more about your options and to schedule an appointment. Let us help you protect and preserve your vision with the best treatments available.

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