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June Is Cataract Awareness Month: What You Should Know

June marks Cataract Awareness Month, an important time to spread knowledge and understanding about cataracts, a leading cause of vision impairment worldwide. At InVision Eye Care, we are dedicated to educating our community in Lakewood, NJ, and the surrounding areas of Ocean County, Monmouth County, and New Jersey about the risks, prevention, and effective treatment options for cataracts. Below, our doctors share some of the facts you should know:

What Are Cataracts?

Cataracts develop when the natural lens of the eye becomes cloudy, usually due to aging, causing a decrease in vision quality. This cloudiness can make it seem as though you are looking through a foggy window, affecting your ability to perform everyday activities like driving, reading, or recognizing faces. Other risk factors include diabetes, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet sunlight, smoking, and certain genetic factors.

Symptoms of Cataracts

Recognizing the symptoms of cataracts early can lead to a more successful management of the condition. Common signs include:

Prevention and Early Detection

While cataracts primarily affect older adults, preventive measures can be taken at any age. Wearing sunglasses and a hat with a brim to block ultraviolet sunlight may help delay cataracts. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, with no smoking, can also reduce your risk.

Regular eye examinations are crucial, as they can detect cataracts and other eye problems at their earliest stages. We recommend that adults get a comprehensive eye exam at least once every two years, and annually after the age of 60.

Cataract Treatment Options

When cataracts start to interfere with daily activities, surgery is usually appropriate. Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful procedures performed in the United States. During the surgery, the cloudy lens is removed and replaced with a clear artificial lens called an intraocular lens (IOL). This procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis and can significantly improve vision. Most patients can return to their normal routines relatively quickly.

Cataract Surgery at InVision Eye Care

At InVision Eye Care, our experienced surgeons use the latest technology to ensure the safest and most effective outcomes for our cataract surgery patients. We offer a range of IOL options to suit different visual needs, including multifocal IOLs that can reduce dependence on glasses.

This June, take the opportunity to learn more about cataracts and get your vision checked. If you're in Lakewood, NJ, Ocean County, Monmouth County, or anywhere in New Jersey, contact InVision Eye Care at 732-210-0140 to schedule a comprehensive eye examination. Let’s ensure your vision stays clear and healthy for years to come.

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